PASSION: Your passion for your business will shine bright in every thing you do. Passion is contagious. Use it to your advantage. Show your passion anytime you are talking about your business. It will pay off. I promise.  
POSITIVE ATTITUDE: Attitude is everything.  If you have a bad attitude about your business or your customers; you are going to create friction that you do not want or need. On the other hand, when you have a great attitude about your business and your customers; you will see less problems to solve and more customer loyalty! In an upcoming “Book Club” of sorts I am going to challenge everyone to read a small book by Jeffery Gittomer called YES Attitude! It is a very fun read and a really good take on how a YES Attitude can change not only your business but your every day life is such an amazing way. So keep your eye out for that coming soon! 
PRACTICE: From where you are right now, practice what you know and always search out new techniques to practice. Some will work for you and some may not...but the best way to find out what works best for you and your business is to PRACTICE :) With practice you will increase your bookings and sales while building a solid confidence. Challenge yourself to get to a point where if your calendar ever looks slim, you have the power to rebuild it. With time & practice under your belt you will intentionally attract others to schedule with you. 
PERSISTENCE: Be persistent in actions that help you schedule parties and increase sales. Be persistent with checking your back office, emails and facebook messages. Be persistent with follow ups! The fortune IS in the FOLLOW UP! Be persistent with sending  Thank you cards and doing the little things that make you stand out. 
PROFESSIONALISM: Last but certainly not least...professionalism should underlie everything you do in business. When in doubt...remain professional!

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